Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Gotta Take the Bad with the Good

Just drove through Tulsa. Need we say more?

Boring city drive, lots of construction, lots of time.

Having a cold Iced Tea at the Rock Cafe in Stroud, OK. Still about 100 degrees outside; thank god for sunscreen.

Sent from My BlackBerry (excuzz any spelling missteaks)


  1. Do they not have beer at these establishments?

    I want to see you sucking on a long neck Budweiser at a rockin' CW bar in Oklahoma!

  2. I hope you two are having fun! Is it even possible to drive with the roof down in that kind of heat? Enjoy the ride.

  3. BarleyMan,

    I'm saving that picture for Texas ! ! !,


    I must confess, we actually put the top up for the last leg into OK City. Just too damn hot even for me.
